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icon |
simple/gnubash |
/// abstract dotfiles is designed with maximum cross-platform compatibility, minimal components, and universal behaviors in mind. ///
/// extension | Components
{ .twemoji } zsh :octicons-markdown-16:{ .card-link title=Documentation}
{ .twemoji } chezmoi :octicons-markdown-16:{ .card-link title=Documentation} :fontawesome-regular-file-code:{ .card-link title="Source Code" } :octicons-law-16:{ .card-link title=License }
:simple-wezterm:{ .wezterm } wezterm :octicons-markdown-16:{ .card-link title=Documentation} :fontawesome-regular-file-code:{ .card-link title="Source Code" } :octicons-law-16:{ .card-link title=License }
:simple-1password:{ .onepassword } 1Password :fontawesome-solid-money-bill:{ .card-link title=Pricing } :fontawesome-regular-eye:{ .card-link title="Privacy Policy" } :octicons-markdown-16:{ .card-link title="Developer Documentation" }
Wezterm :simple-wezterm:
- Cross-platform, written in Rust
- GPU-accelerated
- Ligature support
- Nerd Fonts fallback
Z Shell 
- :octicons-repo-16:{ .github } zimfw/zimfw - Plugin Manager
- :octicons-repo-16:{ .github } romkatv/powerlevel10k - Prompt Theme
- :octicons-repo-16:{ .github } atunish/atuin - Shell History TUI
- :octicons-repo-16:{ .github } Aloxaf/fzf-tab - fzf Completion Menu
Git :simple-git:
uses code
(Visual Studio Code) as the editor, diff and merge tool.
1Password handles SSH authentication and signing.
Projects live under src/
and are associated with their respective SSH signing key, i.e. src/tylernguyen@GitHub
, src/tylernguyen@GitLab
, tylernguyen.codes
I prefer to rebase by default, unless there is very specific reason to merge.
Package Managers
On Windows :simple-windows:{ .windows } , I use winget
by default, supplementing it with third-party installers and the Microsoft Store if needed. Portable executables are placed in %userprofile%/bin
On macOS :simple-apple:{ .apple } , :simple-homebrew:{ .homebrew } homebrew is preferred and likewise supplemented by the App Store.
Depending on the Linux :simple-linux:{ .linux } distribution, I tend to use the default package managers such apt
or pacman
. If there are no feature difference, however, I will defer to installation via :simple-flatpak:{ .flatpak } flatpak.