diff --git a/docs/BIOS/modding-the-BIOS.md b/docs/BIOS/modding-the-BIOS.md
index 6d2a804..d56ec6c 100644
--- a/docs/BIOS/modding-the-BIOS.md
+++ b/docs/BIOS/modding-the-BIOS.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
!!! Danger
- As of of July 16th, 2021: the BIOS mod will break TPM. Hence, Windows 11 will not work. Consider this if you wish to proceed.
+ The BIOS mod may permanently break TPM. Consider this if you wish to proceed.
-A modded BIOS will allow for more optimizations to be made for macOS and will overall make your hackintosh better. I am a BIOS modding novice myself, but with these instructions, I was able to mod my x1c6 BIOS in less than one hour. I fully recommend doing this for all who think themselves capable. Furthermore, the default `config.plist` for this repository is meant to accommodate a modded BIOS with appropriate settings. If you cannot mod your BIOS or is unwilling to do so, use `config_unmoddedBIOS.plist`.
+A modded BIOS will allow for more optimizations to be made for macOS and will overall make your hackintosh better. I am a BIOS modding novice myself, but with these instructions, I was able to mod my x1c6 BIOS in less than one hour. I fully recommend doing this for all who think themselves capable. Furthermore, the default `config.plist` for this repository is meant to accommodate a modded BIOS with appropriate settings. If you cannot mod your BIOS or is unwilling to do so, use `Vanilla BIOS.plist`.
[SPI Programmer CH341a and SOIC8 connector](https://www.amazon.com/Organizer-Socket-Adpter-Programmer-CH341A/dp/B07R5LPTYM) are needed.
diff --git a/material/footer.html b/material/footer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bdd2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/material/footer.html
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\ No newline at end of file
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