<!-- LINK Modifies https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material-insiders/blob/master/src/templates/partials/consent.html MIT License: Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Martin Donath <martin.donath@squidfunk.com> --> <!-- Determine cookies --> {% set cookies = config.extra.consent.cookies | d({}) %} {% if config.extra.analytics %} {% if "analytics" not in cookies %} {% set _ = cookies.update({ "analytics": "Google Analytics" }) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if config.repo_url and "github.com" in config.repo_url %} {% if "github" not in cookies %} {% set _ = cookies.update({ "github": "GitHub" }) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} <!-- Determine actions --> {% set actions = config.extra.consent.actions %} {% if not actions %} {% set actions = ["accept", "manage"] %} {% endif %} <!-- Determine initial settings state --> {% if "manage" not in actions %} {% set checked = "checked" %} {% endif %} <!-- Consent title --> <h4>{{ config.extra.consent.title }}</h4> <img src="https://assets.tylernguyen.wiki/logos/PostHog-light.svg#only-light" alt="PostHog" width="250"> <img src="https://assets.tylernguyen.wiki/logos/PostHog-dark.svg#only-dark" alt="PostHog" width="250"> <p>{{ config.extra.consent.description }}</p> <!-- Consent settings --> <input class="md-toggle" type="checkbox" id="__settings" {{ checked }} /> <div class="md-consent__settings"> <ul class="task-list"> {% for type in cookies %} {% set checked = "" %} {% if cookies[type] is string %} {% set name = cookies[type] %} {% set checked = "checked" %} {% else %} {% set name = cookies[type].name %} {% if cookies[type].checked %} {% set checked = "checked" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} <li class="task-list-item"> <label class="task-list-control"> <input type="checkbox" name="{{ type }}" {{ checked }}> <span class="task-list-indicator"></span> {{ name }} </label> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </div> <!-- Consent controls --> <div class="md-consent__controls"> {% for action in actions %} <!-- Button to accept cookies --> {% if action == "accept" %} <button class="md-button md-button--primary"> {{- lang.t("consent.accept") -}} </button> {% endif %} <!-- Button to reject cookies --> {% if action == "reject" %} <button type="reset" class="md-button md-button--primary"> {{- lang.t("consent.reject") -}} </button> {% endif %} <!-- Button to manage settings --> {% if action == "manage" %} <label class="md-button" for="__settings"> {{- lang.t("consent.manage") -}} </label> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div>