--- icon: material/image-outline tags: - Evergreen --- # Graphic Novels It's a shame that there aren't many graphic novels that catch my attention. I do feel that narratives told with pictures is a medium that's underutilized and often reduced to children's literature. /// featured **Barry Windsor-Smith** - _Monsters_ ![Monsters](https://assets.tylernguyen.wiki/covers/Monster_2021.jpg){ align=right width=125 } [Barry Windsor-Smith](https://barrywindsor-smith.com){ .md-button } [Fantagraphics](https://www.fantagraphics.com/products/monsters){ .md-button } /// - A Contract with God (1978) - A Users Guide To Neglectful Parenting (2013) - Albert and the Others (2007) - Alec The Years Have Pants (2009) - Burma Chronicles (2008) - Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done (2021) - Factory Summers (2021) - Footnotes in Gaza (2009) - Fun Home A Family Tragicomic (2006) - Hostage (2017) - Jerusalem Chronicles From the Holy City (2012) - Kent State Four Dead in Ohio (2020) - Maus A Survivors Tale (1986) - Monsters (2021) - My Friend Dahmer (2012) - Pyongyang A Journey in North Korea (2005) - Trashed (2015) - Will Eisner A Contract With God And Other Tenement Stories (2017)